Source code for pycellga.tests.test_individual

import pytest
from numpy import random
import random as rd
from individual import Individual, GeneType 

[docs] @pytest.fixture def setup_individual(): """ Fixture to provide an instance of the Individual class with different configurations. """ return Individual(gen_type=GeneType.BINARY, ch_size=10)
[docs] def test_individual_init(): """ Test the initialization of the Individual class. """ ind = Individual(gen_type=GeneType.BINARY, ch_size=10) assert ind.gen_type == GeneType.BINARY assert ind.ch_size == 10 assert ind.chromosome == [] assert ind.fitness_value == 0 assert ind.position == (0, 0) assert ind.neighbors_positions is None assert ind.neighbors is None
[docs] def test_randomize_binary(): """ Test the randomization of the chromosome for a binary genome type. """ ind = Individual(gen_type=GeneType.BINARY, ch_size=10) ind.randomize() assert len(ind.chromosome) == 10 assert all(gene in [0, 1] for gene in ind.chromosome)
[docs] def test_randomize_permutation(): """ Test the randomization of the chromosome for a permutation genome type. """ chsize = 14 ind = Individual(gen_type=GeneType.PERMUTATION, ch_size=chsize) ind.randomize() assert len(ind.chromosome) == chsize for i in range(1, chsize+1): assert i in ind.chromosome assert len(set(ind.chromosome)) == len(ind.chromosome)
[docs] def test_randomize_real_valued(): """ Test the randomization of the chromosome for a real-valued genome type. """ chsize = 10 ind = Individual(gen_type=GeneType.REAL, ch_size=chsize) ind.randomize() assert len(ind.chromosome) == chsize assert all(isinstance(gene, float) for gene in ind.chromosome)
[docs] def test_illegal_genome_type(): """ Test that an exception is raised when an illegal genome type is provided. """ try: ind = Individual(gen_type="Illegal genome type", ch_size=10) except Exception: # Passes the test if an exception is raised assert True
[docs] def test_get_set_neighbors_positions(): """ Test getting and setting the positions of the individual's neighbors. """
[docs] def test_get_set_neighbors(): """ Test getting and setting the list of neighbors for the individual. """
# Run the tests if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main()