Binary Optimization Problems
The pycellga.problems.single_objective.discrete.binary package provides a set of binary, single-objective benchmark functions. These discrete problems are commonly used to assess the performance of optimization algorithms on binary-encoded solutions. Each function presents unique challenges, such as local optima, multimodality, and rugged landscapes.
Count SAT
A binary satisfaction problem, often used to evaluate an algorithm’s ability to solve constraint satisfaction problems in a discrete search space.
- class CountSat(n_var: int = 20)[source]
CountSat function implementation for optimization problems.
The CountSat function is used for testing optimization algorithms, particularly those involving satisfiability problems.
- n_var
The number of variables (chromosome length) for the problem.
- Type:
- gen_type
The type of genes used in the problem, set to BINARY.
- Type:
- xl
Lower bounds for binary variables, fixed to 0.
- Type:
- xu
Upper bounds for binary variables, fixed to 1.
- Type:
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Calculates the CountSat function value for a given list of binary variables.
- evaluate(x: List[int], out: dict, \*args, \*\*kwargs) None [source]
Pymoo-compatible evaluation method for batch processing.
- __init__(n_var: int = 20)[source]
Initialize the CountSat problem.
- Parameters:
n_var (int, optional) – Number of binary variables (chromosome length) for the problem, by default 20.
Error Correcting Codes Design Problem (ECC)
The ECC problem tests the efficiency of algorithms in solving problems related to error-correcting codes, which have discrete solution spaces and are commonly encountered in communication systems.
- class Ecc(n_var: int = 144)[source]
Error Correcting Codes Design Problem (ECC) function implementation for optimization problems.
The ECC function is used for testing optimization algorithms, particularly those involving error-correcting codes.
- n_var
Number of binary variables, typically 144.
- Type:
- gen_type
The type of genes used in the problem, set to BINARY.
- Type:
- xl
Lower bounds for binary variables, fixed to 0.
- Type:
- xu
Upper bounds for binary variables, fixed to 1.
- Type:
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Calculates the ECC function value for a given list of binary variables.
- evaluate(x: List[int], out: dict, \*args, \*\*kwargs) None [source]
Pymoo-compatible evaluation method for batch processing.
- __init__(n_var: int = 144)[source]
Initialize the ECC problem.
- Parameters:
n_var (int, optional) – Number of binary variables for the problem, by default 144.
Frequency Modulation Sounds Problem (FMS)
A binary version of the Frequency Modulation Sounds function, used to evaluate robustness and efficiency in finding optimal solutions within a binary space.
- class Fms(n_var: int = 192)[source]
Frequency Modulation Sound (FMS) function implementation for optimization problems.
The FMS function is used for testing optimization algorithms, particularly those involving frequency modulation sound.
- n_var
The number of binary variables for the problem, typically 192.
- Type:
- gen_type
The type of genes used in the problem, set to BINARY.
- Type:
- xl
Lower bounds for binary variables, fixed to 0.
- Type:
- xu
Upper bounds for binary variables, fixed to 1.
- Type:
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Calculates the FMS function value for a given list of binary variables.
- evaluate(x: List[int], out: dict, \*args, \*\*kwargs) None [source]
Pymoo-compatible evaluation method for batch processing.
- __init__(n_var: int = 192)[source]
Initialize the FMS problem.
- Parameters:
n_var (int, optional) – Number of binary variables for the problem, by default 192.
Max-Cut (100 nodes)
A max-cut problem involving 100 nodes, often used in graph partitioning. This problem challenges algorithms in finding optimal binary partitions.
- class Maxcut100[source]
A class to represent the Maximum Cut (MAXCUT) problem for 100 nodes.
- problema
A matrix representing the weights between nodes in the MAXCUT problem.
- Type:
list of list of float
- __init__()[source]
Initialize the AbstractProblem with gene type, variable count, and bounds.
- Parameters:
gen_type (Any) – The type of genes used in the problem (e.g., REAL, BINARY).
n_var (int) – The number of design variables.
xl (float) – The lower bound for the design variables.
xu (float) – The upper bound for the design variables.
Max-Cut (20 nodes, Density 0.1)
A max-cut problem with 20 nodes and a sparsity factor of 0.1. Suitable for testing performance on sparse graphs with limited connections.
- class Maxcut20_01[source]
Maximum Cut (MAXCUT) function implementation for optimization problems.
The MAXCUT function evaluates the fitness of a binary partition of nodes based on edge weights. It is used to test optimization algorithms, particularly for maximum cut problems.
- problema
Adjacency matrix representing edge weights between nodes.
- Type:
list of list of float
- f(x: list) float [source]
Calculates the MAXCUT function value for a given list of binary variables.
- evaluate(x: list, out: dict) None [source]
Pymoo-compatible evaluation method for batch processing.
- evaluate(x: List[int], out: dict, *args, **kwargs) None [source]
Evaluate function for compatibility with pymoo’s optimizer.
- Parameters:
x (numpy.ndarray) – Array of input variables.
out (dict) – Dictionary to store the output fitness values.
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Calculate the MAXCUT function value for a given list of binary variables.
- Parameters:
x (list) – A list of binary variables representing node partitions.
- Returns:
The MAXCUT function value representing the total weight of edges cut by the partition.
- Return type:
Max-Cut (20 nodes, Density 0.9)
A denser version of the max-cut problem with a density of 0.9, requiring algorithms to manage numerous connections and find optimal partitions.
- class Maxcut20_09[source]
Maximum Cut (MAXCUT) function for optimization on a 20-node graph.
This class evaluates the cut value by summing weights of edges between nodes in different partitions defined by binary variables.
- problema
Adjacency matrix representing edge weights between nodes.
- Type:
list of list of float
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Calculates the MAXCUT function value for a given list of binary variables.
- evaluate(x: List[int], out: dict) None [source]
Pymoo-compatible evaluation method for batch processing.
- evaluate(x: List[int], out: dict, *args, **kwargs) None [source]
Evaluate function for compatibility with pymoo’s optimizer.
- Parameters:
x (numpy.ndarray) – Array of input variables.
out (dict) – Dictionary to store the output fitness values.
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Calculate the MAXCUT function value for a given list of binary variables.
- Parameters:
x (List[int]) – A list of binary variables representing node partitions.
- Returns:
The MAXCUT function value representing the total weight of edges cut by the partition.
- Return type:
Massively Multimodal Deceptive Problem (MMDP)
A challenging binary problem with deceptive local optima, commonly used to assess an algorithm’s ability to escape local traps in a binary landscape.
- class Mmdp[source]
Represents the Massively Multimodal Deceptive Problem (MMDP).
The MMDP is designed to deceive genetic algorithms by having multiple local optima. The problem is characterized by a chromosome length of 240 and a maximum fitness value of 40.
- gen_type
Type of genes used in the problem (binary in this case).
- Type:
- n_var
The number of design variables (240 for MMDP).
- Type:
- xl
The lower bound for the design variables (0 for binary genes).
- Type:
- xu
The upper bound for the design variables (1 for binary genes).
- Type:
- __init__()[source]
Initializes the MMDP problem with binary genes, 240 design variables, and predefined bounds.
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Evaluates the fitness of a given chromosome for the MMDP.
The fitness function is calculated based on the number of ones in each of the 40 subproblems, each of length 6.
- Parameters:
x (List[int]) – A list representing the chromosome, where each element is a binary value (0 or 1).
- Returns:
The normalized fitness value of the chromosome, rounded to three decimal places.
- Return type:
One-Max Problem
A classic benchmark in binary optimization, where the objective is to maximize the number of ones in a binary string. This problem tests the algorithm’s ability to drive binary values towards an optimum.
- class OneMax(n_var: int = 100)[source]
Represents the OneMax problem.
The OneMax problem is a simple genetic algorithm benchmark problem where the fitness of a chromosome is the sum of its bits.
- gen_type
Type of genes used in the problem (binary in this case).
- Type:
- n_var
The number of design variables (default is 100).
- Type:
- xl
The lower bound for the design variables (0 for binary genes).
- Type:
- xu
The upper bound for the design variables (1 for binary genes).
- Type:
- __init__(n_var: int = 100)[source]
Initialize the OneMax problem with a default number of variables (100) and binary gene bounds.
- Parameters:
n_var (int, optional) – Number of design variables (default is 100).
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Evaluates the fitness of a given chromosome for the OneMax problem.
The fitness function is the sum of all bits in the chromosome.
- Parameters:
x (List[int]) – A list representing the chromosome, where each element is a binary value (0 or 1).
- Returns:
The fitness value of the chromosome, which is the sum of its bits.
- Return type:
Peak Problem
A binary optimization problem featuring multiple peaks. This problem is suitable for evaluating an algorithm’s performance in a rugged binary landscape with multiple local optima.
- class Peak(n_var: int = 100)[source]
Represents the Peak problem.
The Peak problem evaluates the fitness of a chromosome based on its distance to a set of target peaks.
- gen_type
Type of genes used in the problem (binary in this case).
- Type:
- n_var
The number of design variables (chromosome length, default is 100).
- Type:
- xl
The lower bounds for the design variables (0 for binary genes).
- Type:
- xu
The upper bounds for the design variables (1 for binary genes).
- Type:
- __init__(n_var: int = 100)[source]
Initialize the Peak problem with a default number of variables (100) and binary gene bounds.
- Parameters:
n_var (int, optional) – Number of design variables (default is 100).
- f(x: List[int]) float [source]
Evaluates the fitness of a given chromosome for the Peak problem.
The fitness function calculates the distance between the given chromosome and a set of randomly generated target peaks.
- Parameters:
x (list) – A list representing the chromosome, where each element is a binary value (0 or 1).
- Returns:
The fitness value of the chromosome, normalized to a range of 0.0 to 1.0.
- Return type: